Saturday, November 15, 2008

I needed some practice driving the RZR before I take my
driving test next week so we went in search of Christmas
Trees. This is Tushar Lake with a layer of ice around the


Jamie said...

Hey, sounds like fun, I wish we could get a way more like that. It looks beautiful up there right now. I know you will find the perfect tree, find us one, we may need one this year.......
love ya,
the whites

Jamie said...

Hey, sounds like fun, I wish we could get a way more like that. It looks beautiful up there right now. I know you will find the perfect tree, find us one, we may need one this year.......
love ya,
the whites

Burgundy said...

It looks like you guys had a blast. Makes me not want to work anymore. Where were the buffalos? I sent you an invite to my blog at your email.